martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

LAW OF THREE (36) Receptivity to Higher Meaning



"Wisdom can only be given in a state of presence, with the three centres of our being in a state of presence. Anything less is asleep. Presence is the narrow gate thorough which one passes to wisdom. Samadhi or enlightenment, romanticised in the west, really means "a settled mind", or one rigorously present, balanced, and awake, in whatever emotional circumstances" Cynthia Bourgeault.

In a "settled mind" head, heart and body are in a state of harmony and alertness. .  In our ordinary state our mind is insufficiently balanced and awake to put us in a state of hight receptivity. 

"As one level of being increases , receptivity to higher meaning increases and vice-versa" M Nicholls

 In most Wisdom teachings the human being is studied a three brained being, consisting of the intelligence of the intellect, the intelligence of the emotion, and the intelligence of the body. The three modes of intelligence need to evolve into unitive seeing and operate as a single eye to become sensitive to higher meaning.

When the three "brains" do not come to an agreement we experience in the screen of our minds"a pattern of unresolved issues" circulating without end.

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