domingo, 29 de julio de 2018

LAW OF THREE (31) Love, a Non Dualistic Experience



"In phenomenological terms, love is a non dualistic experience. This is the reason why its is only with great difficulty that love enters into any "understanding". Love is neither equality nor otherness, neither one nor two. Love requires differentiation without separation; it is "going" toward "the other" that rebounds in a genuine "entering" into oneself by accepting the other within one's bosom." Raimon Panikkar

Love is the ultimate reconciling force. Love differentiates the lover and the beloved to unable both to arise above themselves and abide in each other in a triadic self.  Lover and beloved are "inter-abiding."  The sufferings and joys interpenetrate each other.

Every active force in a triad can only be understood in relation to the other two.   Father-mother and son-daughter are mutually necessary forces in the triad of procreation.  The father-mother finds meaning and identity in the experience of "the relationship" with the son-daughter and the son-daughter finds meaning in the experience of the relationship with father-mother.

Father-mother-son are three poles of a same reality which manifests in their common heart feeling as a result of being in a relationship.


The same Spirit and dispositions that are in Christ are present in us, inspiring us with the same willingness to open ourselves to everybody's sufferings, in so far as we capable of bearing them. Moreover we are not just individuals. We are individual and social in our very being. We cannot be individuals without being totally united with everybody else, and we cannot be united with everybody else without being an individual member of the mystical body of Christ.  T. Keating.

lunes, 16 de julio de 2018

LAW OF THREE (30) Beyond the Dualism of God and Me



1 "Our faculties can only comprehend the things of God, like the beauty of creation, the goodness of the attraction we feel for others, or the glimpses of truth we experience in religious images and concepts. All these things may reflect or represent God to us, but they miss the essence of God. To our normal human capacities God is nada, no-thing." Gerald G. May M.D.

2 "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John Ch4 V12

3 "God will bring people and events into our lives, and whatever we think about them, they are designed for the evolution of His life in us." T.Keating

"We just do not understand ourselves, or know who we are. At worst we give lip service to God's presence, but then feel and act as if we were completely on our own."  TERESA OF AVILA.


"As soon as we use the label "God" or "divine presence", we make an object of it, separate from ourselves. Taken together, these reasons encourage us to dwell in the more comfortable, controllable world of "God and me" (duality) rather that the vague, vulnerable realm of "God in me and I in God" (non dual)" Gerald G. May

Antonio Benet   /

lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

LAW OF THREE (29) Time-Space-Eternity



"Discover that all that exists is this moment. Life is always now. Your whole life unfolds in this constant now. Even past and future events exist only when you remember or anticipate them. And you can only do so by thinking about them in this only moment that exits... (now) Mistaking the present moment with its contents gives birth not only to the illusion of time, but also to the illusion the ego"

Eckhart Tolle

Time-space-eternity are the three essential dimensions of Individuality. We perceive them as the changing, the unchanging and the reconciling dimensions in oneself.

We experience the nature of time by the movements of thinking. When we cannot become aware of the dimension of space in our lives we are engulfed by thoughts. We do not notice the space in which the film of our imaginary life is projected and we are unaware of the underlying presence of the unchanging.

The awareness of the ever present space gives depth to the witnessing observer. Our sense of identity changes. We may perceive space in its spontaneous arising, between one desire and the next; when one desire has been satisfied and the next one has not yet appeared. But the brief interval is insufficient to realise or notice the inner significance of the experience.

The perception of eternity is the perception of our own presence. The awareness of being present and conscious.  It is the realization the we have never moved from where I AM.  It is the experience of the absence of the ego.  It is the unblocking of the eye of the needle.

"Life is real only then, when I am" G. I. Gurdjieff

THE LAW OF THREE (80) War in The Holy Land and The Reconciling Force

    The Law of Three (80) War in The Holy Land and The Reconciling Force  Today ,  I am taking sides. I am taking the side of  Peace . Peace...