viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

LAW OF THREE (22) Not Two



"When we want to understand something, we cannot just stand outside and observe it. We have to enter deeply into it and be one with it in order to really understand. If we want to understand a person, we have to feel his feelings, suffer his sufferings and enjoy his joy. The word "comprehend" is made up of the Latin roots cum, which means "with", and "prehendere", which means "to grasp or pick it up". To comprehend something means to pick it up and be one with it. There is not another way to understand something. In Buddhism, we call this kind of understanding "non-duality". Not two." Thich Nhat Nanh

Understanding a person is sharing the inner experience of the person we want to understand.   A word used for this non-dual experience is unity.  Another word is "inter-abiding" or reciprocal entering into each other,  without loosing our individuality.   This requires awakening into a new dimension of ourselves,  beyond the limitations of  Time and Space, or separation.  

Knowledge is two dimensional. It separates like from dislike, pleasure from pain, good from bad, etc.  The ego naturally prefers the pleasurable, the good,  the likeable, etc. and thus acts to ensure the pendular movement we observe in the experiential world. 

Knowledge can be transformed into understanding by a spontaneous insight which comes from beyond ourselves.  A dimension of ourselves free from the restrictions of time and space.  

Suddenly "information" enters from our eternal dimension we can see the solution to a puzzling enigma. Sudden I become aware of myself. . Suddenly I see myself in the other person!

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