miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

LAW OF THREE(1) Non-duality or the experience of the 3rd dimenson


God's sacrifice is Self-limitation by manifestation. The conditions of this limitation are three: The Universe is created in Space, in Time and in Equilibrium.          Boris Mouravieff.



According to the law of three, every phenomenon and every event in creation is the work of three independent cosmic forces.

When we see the operation of three independent and absolute forces in every event and phenomenon, then we see the world as it really is.

In order to produce any phenomenon or event the three forces acquire the structure of an active force, a resisting force", and a reconciling or neutralising force. 

Considered by itself, every force in the universe is positive or active.

Only at the point of meeting do the three forces become structured in a triadic relationship.

We can see very easily the positive or active force in any event or phenomenon.

Sometimes we are aware of the negative or resisting force as well.

But rarely we become aware of the presence and action of the third neutralising  or reconciling force. 


1 Ordinary perception is dual: good-evil, true-false, pleasure-pain, like-dislike, should and shouldn't.

2 We depend on the resisting or negative force (the second force) in order to generate energy; we need the resistance of the floor to be able to walk.

2  Reality is non-dual  Non duality is unsettling for the  'ego-identity'. 

3 Non-dual experience is not a mystical experience says Raimon Panikkar:

"The spiritual experience that we may call "mystical" does not put us in touch with a third world, but let us experience the third dimension of the one and the same world, opening us up to a more real union with realty"

Raimon Panikkar, The Rhythm of Being, The Unbroken Trinity.

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