domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021

LAW OF THREE (77) Instability. What causes Covid?



No thing may be revealed to itself without contrariety. If it has no thing that resists it, it always goes out from itself and does not go into itself again. If it does not go into itself again, as into that out of which it originally came, it knows nothing of its cause

J. Boëhme 

What is the real cause of Covid?  Our ordinary thinking is lineal, it links causes and effects. We quite naturally attempt to eliminate the causes of all undesirable effects. In the two years of living with the pandemic, science has been tying to eliminate or neutralise the undesirable effects the mysterious virus. 

I often ask myself questions about the pandemic: is there a point to the arising of the virus? Could there be a subtle intelligence with a purpose behind the virus?  

I keep in mind that The Law of Three emphasises the importance of resisting force in our lives (nothing can be revealed without its contrary being present).  

Coronavirus is contrary to human purposes.  Contrary forces precede revelations.  A huge technological advance takes place after a war.    In the previous blogs on Coronavirus I have tried to trace the possible steps arising from the initiated resistant force (contrary) force posed by the virus.  I even dared to reflect on the possible link to the contemplative monastic ways to self-realisation.  So I will ask another question.  Has the resisting force of the Covid had an impact to the human development or in the understanding of ourselves?  I have heard moving examples of friends at breaking point surrendering to the power of hope. 

The possibility of loving or even welcoming the negative is a major jump in the evolutionary process.

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...