viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

LAW OF THREE (74) Coronavirus and The Law of Three (4)


"Without Faith in one's heart it is impossible to attain Hope, and without one or the other we can never attain Gnosis, the living knowledge that makes Love accessible. Faith, Hope and Knowledge (Gnosis) are consecutive stages in the progressive Revelation of Love." Boris Mouravieff 'Gnosis'


In blogs 71 to 73 the evolving third force was: (71) Coronavirus; (72) Uncertainty; (73) the Unknowable. The three experiences are not exclusive to any particular section of humanity.  Coronavirus has been a most challenging test for humanity which has lead us to the presence of the Unknowable. Now we may stop and perhaps wait for a new arising. What could it possibly be?    In the present blog I have chosen Hope.

The encounter with The Unknowable, the Absolute Nothingness, the Abyss or the Void, is the point toward which all contemplative traditions are leading us.  It is the point of total surrender, where the fear of death of the sense of self is surrendered the Spirit. The death of Christ in the cross was the condition of resurrection and the entering of the Spirit; the Sufis understand that the secret of Love is in the death of self by way of humiliation and abandonment; the Void is expressed in the Buddhist doctrine of annihilation and liberation.

The total surrender of our 'selves' to the complete emptiness of the Unknowable is exemplified in the Christian teaching, when Jesus gave up even his Sonship with the words: My God, my God why have you forsaken me? ( Mat.27:46); followed by a complete trust in divine grace: Father in your hands I commend my Spirit (Luke 23:46).


Hope is part of the triad faith-hope-love.  In this triad the three theological virtues come together.   

In Boris Mouravieff quotation there is a preceding triad to the arising of Love: Faith-Hope-Gnosis.  Boris three-fold configuration of love helps us to understand the Proverb:

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Proverbs 9:10

Facing the Unknowable (Lord) with Fear (Awe) is the beginning of Wisdom (Gnosis), three steps necessary to the Revelation of Love.

The resisting force of fear, if it prevails, prevents the arising of a new reconciling force. Julian of Norwich was struggling with fear of judgement, sin,  and punishment, when she heard the comforting voice of Jesus: "It was necessary that there should be sin; but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." Julian of Norwich. Julian's fear was transcended by love and hope, and the acceptance (wisdom) that "it was necessary that there should be sin"

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...