lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

THE LAW OF THREE (72) Coronavirus and The Law of Three (2)



"Unto this Darkness which is beyond Light we pray
that we may come,
and through loss of sight and knowledge
may we see and know That Which
transcends sight and knowledge,
by the very fact of not seeing and knowing;
for this is real sight and knowledge."

Dionysius (c.500 AD), Mystical Theology


In the previous blog (71) I identified Coronavirus as a reconciling force in so far as the Nations culture of blame and confrontation (man divided) is temporarily suspended, while human attention is deeply engaged in trying to unlock the secrets workings of Nature.  

A vaccine has not yet been found.  The virus expands.  A global feeling of uncertainty unfolds.  Coronavirus is now an active force;  science is opposing and resisting it;  and the growing and expanding uncertainty is bringing both into a relationship.  Coronavirus (Nature) is the active force,  Science (Man) the resisting force, while Uncertainty (the Unknown) is the force that transcends and brings together Virus and Science. 

Uncertainty emphasises a dimension of ourselves which exposes our vulnerability to Universal Forces that we habitually ignore and the human illusion of power and control.  There is an uncomfortable threat to our freedoms and expectations.  We are all waiting together, friends and enemies.   A scientific miracle? A divine intervention?

The pandemic will naturally come to an end.  Will its present impact bring a significant shift in global human behaviour?  Or the same old shortsightedness will prevail?

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

THE LAW OF THREE (71) Coronavirus and The Law of Three (1)



Every phenomenon in creation is the work of three independent forces. When we see the presence and action of three independent forces in every event in creation, we see the world as it really is. We can see he presence of the active and the resisting force in every event or phenomenon very easily. But very rarely are we are aware of the presence and action of a third relating or reconciling force.

Law of Three (Blog 1)

Coronavirus has all the qualities of being one of the three independent* but mutually necessary forces in an evolving Triad. The virus can act in a triad as an active*. resisting**, or reconciling force***. 

At present, the coronavirus can be identified as a reconciling force in so far as the traditional culture of blame and confrontation within society and between nations is temporarily suspended  The conflicting forces in society are pausing and human attention is focused on an "invisible" third force that threatens to eliminate us all.

The unsuspected entrance of a largely ignored player (call it Nature), which a microscopic shift has temporarily been able to alter entrenched patterns of behaviour in a most undemocratic way.  Stock exchange markets have been ruffled, the arrogance of power humbled, and the polluted skies of China cleared. But for how long?

The Coronavirus thread will be brought under control by the discovery of a vaccine  (New Knowledge or Third Force).  After the pandemic a new triadic configuration will arise.  The triad may adopt an ascending or evolutionary movement,  or a descending and involutionary one.  The most likely is that the old equilibrium is restored and things stay as they always are.

An involutionary triad I would equate to a descending movement from Democracy to Absolutism (restriction by governments of our freedoms) and an evolutionary triad as an ascending movement leading us to a global recognition ( a new perception or attitude) of the overwhelming needs of our sorrowful planet. The third option is that humanity learns nothing from the experience and we continue in our habitual way.

* Independent of Man's will

** Viewing of the virus as a negative or resisting force: "the battle against the virus" 

*** Viewing of the virus as corrective to human "mismanagement"; helping a wounded planet, etc t

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...