domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2019

THE LAW OF THREE (68) Depth or The Third Dimension of Wholeness



"Our ordinary looking is almost two dimensional; in it there is very little sense of depth. We talk of the ordinary "personality" world where we are occupied with thoughts and reactions as flat - with
good reason. But when the transition comes and there is depth, we find ourselves in a different state. We feel different. Indeed, the feelings become awakened, and a freshness comes."

Anthony Blake A Seminar On Time

Most of our life seems to take place in the confines in a world with very little sense of the spatial reality or depth, where we miss the sense of wholeness 

With the sudden awareness of the dimension of depth* our experience is comparable to waking into a new dimension of ourselves.  From which perspective the two dimensional world of thoughts seem like a dream.

With this experience of depth our perception changes. A third dimension has been added to our body experience and our field of our awareness is expanded. In this new configuration our body seems much less solid than before, and its borders less defined.

Perhaps Raimon Panikkar referred to this experience when he wrote "The spiritual experience that we may call "mystical" does not put us in touch with a third world, but let us experience the third dimension of the one and the same world, opening us up to a more real union with reality."

The experience of the third dimension of the one and the same world referred by Panikkar is depth.     It is the experience of depth that makes us aware of what it really means to be in a body.

"There is a factual change which comes into the transition to an awareness of depth, as well as in the quality of feeling" Anthony Blake

*Third dimension of space.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

LAW OF THREE (67) Dying and Rebirth



"We do not have within us a principle of stable existence. What we find in ourselves, on the contrary, is a principle of renewal, of return, of being lost and found again. This principle we can really only understand if we experience it in ourselves; and we know its taste as the taste of rebirth: whenever we come back from a state of oblivion, or forgetfulness. This happens again and again, to such an extent that we become accustomed to it and cease to see how important it is - and how really wonderful it is - that we should be able to come back again after having been lost."

J.G. Bennett

We cannot be aware of the instant of falling asleep or the instant of waking up.  All we can say on returning to our own awareness is  'I am here, now! '  .

We are unaware that our life does not run in a continuous line, but that it is constantly interrupted, renewed or given back.

Dying and rebirth is a constant in our lives without being aware of the extraordinary miracle that it represents.   It is  'the action' of an independent creative force which does not come from ourselves.* that constantly brings us back to life.

It is the continuous interplay of the three independent cosmic forces (life-birth-death), that makes possible the experience of being here now:

'I am here now in this immediate space in contact with a life force which supports, enlightens and unifies my presence' John Pentland

*Everyone who begins to study and know their own states is well aware that our experience is a constant dying and rebirth. We must not be frightened as we come to see this, although it is really a terrifying thing that we have no power to keep hold of our life: that it has to be renewed or given back to us by something that does not come from ourselves.

But even when we see the helplessness with which we fall into oblivion, at that moment when we are most trying to hold on to ourselves, we must learn to trust that there is something that calls us back. And if it calls us back from sleep at night, it will call us back from that other sleep into which we shall enter,


domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2019

THE LAW OF THREE (66) Who Is The Third One?



WHO IS THE THIRD who walks always beside you?
When I count, there are only you and I together
But when I look ahead up the white road
There is always another one walking beside you
Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded
I do not know whether a man or a woman
-But who is that on the other side of you?

"The Waste Land" T.S. Eliot

According to the law of three, every phenomenon and event in creation is the work of three independent forces: active, passive, reconciling. A dual perception is only aware of one or two forces: the initiating force and the resisting force. Awareness of the presence and action of a third force requires developing a non dual perception. It is from a dual perspective when Sta. Teresa of Avila says: "We pray to God as if He was absent."

Duality is the world of thinking. Thought is responsible for the illusion that 'I' (an imaginary character) 'can do'. The illusion that 'I can do' was shaken when St. Paul discovered: " I do not understand what I do, for what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." St Paul was struggling with the thoughts of sin.  I suggest that St Paul´s real struggle was with a dual perception.

The eye of duality is unaware of  presence that underlies all experience:

"That which makes the eye see, but needs no I to see, that alone is Spirit"  Upanishades

But who is that one on the other side of you? The seer that sees though all eyes cannot be seen* but it can be revealed in the sudden entry of a Third Force when we realise that we are neither the seer or the seen but the seeing that brings the seer and seen into a unitive or triadic  experience.

* "The observer that can be observed in not the observer." Dvid Finkelstain.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2019

THE LAW OF THREE (65) Manifesting God



"Except for the point, the still point, there would be no dance and there is only the dance."

T.S. Elliot

What is a point? A point has no dimension. It is the source of all shapes and the beginning of all dimensions. The point is not an object.  The subject is not an object.  The subject experiences itself in relation to the manifest creation.

The point is our centre.  It is the eternal now. "If we cannot live in the present we cannot live anywhere,"  Huang Po

Where is the point?  In a conversation with Raimon Panikkar,  I mention that we practised Centering Prayer.  "Ah,"  he exclaimed,   Centering Prayer,  and added,  "the Center is everywhere!"

The center being everywhere conveys the idea of eternity.  Eternity brings into relationship time and space.  Eternity awareness is the gate that offers relief  from the limitations of the time-space where the ego resides.

Find the center or "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all things shall be added unto you" (He will give you everything you need) Matt 6 (33)

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...