"When you are able to make two
become one, the inside like
the outside, and the outside like
the inside, the higher like
the lower, so that man is no longer
male, and a woman,
female, but male and female a single
whole. When
you are able to fashion an eye to
replace an eye, and form
a hand in place of a hand, or a foot
for a foot, making one
image supersede another -then you
will enter in."
Gospel of Thomas (22)
you are able to make two become one...then you will enter in." This quote signals the path of action by way of the "construction" of a non dual world in which we can reside.
task of the Triad is to make one:
one out of two is not a question of eliminating one of the two
opposing forces (as for example in war) but by bringing them together into a relationship by the power of a third independent one, and giving them equal meaning and significance in a way that enables out of the two to make one.
one is the task of Love:
well known statement: "love your enemies..." describes
the nature of the reconciling force of Love. Love is indivisible.. If we only 'love' our friends we do not know Love. We find no use for our enemies. We cannot evolve. We cannot make one out of two.
task of the Triad is to make meaning:
the statement "I and my father are one", the third force is the meaning of the word father. Father brings into a relationship God and Me (I), giving
rise to the form of One. Three distinct and mutually 'related'
terms giving rise to a unit of meaning.
Panikkar's reflection:
relation between God and man, therefore, instead of being one of pure
transcendence (which does not admit any relation) is one of
immanence. God is the transcendent mystery immanent in us. Hence
there is a conviction common to different religions that someone that
claims to have seen the transcendent God is not telling the truth...
is in immanence that transcendence is discovered. We realise that we
'remain' in something that, being within us, is greater than we are,
transcends us.
is the link which transcends the duality of God and Me and brings the
unitive (triadic) experience of God in Me and I in God.