jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

LAW OF THREE (50) The Universal Dance



"Triads are connected with further triads. These connecting triads go on and on: nothing is free from this Law and nothing exists in isolation. It is no exaggeration to say that by tracing from triad to triad it is possible to plot the connection between any two phenomena in the Universe, from a doorknob to a galaxy, from a fish to a table, from a chimney-pot to the moons of Saturn; taken that we have sufficient knowledge to do so" George Jeffery

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid..." Luke 12.7

We are counted and we count. The Universe is a vast entity of interconnected and fluid triads. Each one of us participates in the universal dance as a force in the triad

A triad consists of the active interaction of  three forces. Science recognises two forces, but it is unaware of a third force. Yet the third force is implicit in scientific formulation. To avoid stalemate there must be a third element that weakens "the action-reaction" immobility and allows further progression.

Man can act as a false third force or as a true third force. When acting as a false third force we lend our powers to one of the conflicting sides ensuring automatic repetition (like-dislike, right-wrong, good-bad, etc.) When we act as a true reconciling third force we hold in ourselves the tension between two poles,  and become a medium through which a fourth or healing power may enter creation, facilitating conscious evolution.

An evolutionary triad requires the sacrifice of the ego.

Why the ego?

The ego is not an independent force, but it is a force, except that it can only operate through the active or resisting forces. It cannot be an independent or true reconciling force because its view is dual. The ego cannot love both friends and enemies and become a neutralising force at the same time. Love your enemies is beyond its comprehension.

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019

LAW OF THREE (49) The Gap



"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy..."

Hamlet 1.5.167-8

What am I ? A conscious exploration into depths of our being can reveal that I am nothing tangible. 

What can I do?  Wisdom teacher stated that we spend our lives trying to do what we cannot do, and avoid doing the only thing that we can do..

Which is? To give conscious attention.

Conscious attention separates subject from object by becoming aware of the space between the two.  The space between the Observer and the Observed reveals that we are neither the Observer nor the Observed but the 'observing presence' which brings the Observer and the Observed into a relationship.

In the Upanishads the Observer is Spirit.  Spirit is described as the Seer that sees though all eyes but needs no eyes to see. Spirit experiences itself through seeing.

In the Christian tradition we speak of God experiencing himself in the human form. Man becomes the point of encounter of God with Himself.

Reflecting on the Rule of St. Benedict, an old Abbot pondered: Where is man in the activities performed by the monks in this monastery?  Only Christ is involved in all activities; Christ prays in the monk; Christ is the stranger that comes through the door, Christ is all in all.  But of course, he added, 'it takes Christ to recognise Christ'.

 'God in us is serving God in others.' Sta. Teresa of Avila

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

LAW OF THREE (47) A Three Fold Operating System



In the Gurdjieff tradition, we speak of Man number 1,2,3,4,5, etc. up to number 7. Man no.1.  is dominated by the moving centre, man no.2, by the feeling centre,  and man no. 3,  by the thinking centre. Man no.4,  has all three centres in balance. According to the Gurdjieff scheme, it is possible for the 'real I' to enter such a balanced man, when he becomes Man no.5, a true 'individual' .

From the Gurdjieff tradition.

Gurdjieff uses numbers to differentiate the stages of self-development leading to the entering of the true 'I' at num.5.  The entering of our true 'I' or "individuality" is only possible when man nos. 1, 2, 3 are in balance.

Nos 1,2,3 represent three sides of a triad. A triad is a dynamic unit showing the cooperation between three independent forces. The triad only manifests when the three forces are integrated in a dynamic whole. In the Gurdjieff scheme a balanced man, man no. 4, arises out of the balanced triadic articulation of thought, feeling, and sensation.

Man nos. 1,2,3 could also be referred to as the three powers which when they come together articulate the evolving mind.

St. John of the Cross in his mystical poetry speaks as the voice of man. no 5, "my house being at rest" and of the "delightful wonder" of freedom.

In a dark night,
inflamed with love,
o delightful wonder!
I left and non saw me,
my house being now at rest..."

St. John of the Cross

* "En una noche oscura, con ansias en amores inflamada, ¡oh dichosa ventura! salí sin ser notada, estando ya mi casa sosegada."

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...