martes, 22 de enero de 2019

THE LAW OF THREE (46) The Arising of Meaning



"The task of the triad is to make a unity, though every action produces a reaction. In the mechanical world, Newton's laws apply, particularly that 'action and reaction are equal and opposite' and their sum is zero. In real life we have to do something more than what we are expected to do. The 'something more' is the third force. It is the secret of 'doing'. It may not actually have to be done by us. We can 'wait' until it arises of itself -when we speak of the 'propitious time' or the 'cubic centimetre of chance', etc.- before we act." Anthony Blake

The third force that brings into a relationship two opposing forces may be conscious or automatic.  Men, as carriers of the third force,  may lend his force to one or the other of the two opposing forces, and strengthen their automatic reactions or, if more consciously awake, he may lend them both his conscious presence and hold them in a relation until a new pattern or response enters the triad. 

If someone insults us or attacks us we get upset. We react or criticise and then we learn nothing from the situation. Action and reaction are equal and opposite. To learn from the situation we need to encompass the energy of the 'attacker' and bring it inside ourselves. This requires us to bring something from our deeper self, something that is impartial and aware.

The arising of a unity is the arising of meaning. Meaning arises when the thinking processes that continuously go on in ourselves, in the form of dialogues between though, feeling and sensation, come to an agreement. Only when the three mental functions come to a unitive perception, meaning enters. Three become one.  

When meaning arises we can understand each other. We can enter into each other. We can abide in each other. With the entering of meaning a new triad arises. We grow in understanding. When meaning does not arise we experience conflict in the form of automatic rejections.    This is the current situation in the world of politics where impartial dialogue seeking reconciliation seems impossible.

"When two or three are gathered in my name I am there in their midst" as a reconciling force.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2019

LAW OF THREE (45) Not my will but yours.



"We human beings naturally try to achieve satisfaction in all things through our own autonomous
effort and control. This is just as true in our search for spiritual fulfilment as it is in the rest of life.
We may yearn to "let go and let God" but it usually doesn't happen until we have exhausted our own efforts." Gerald May

St. Teresa of Avila. says "el centro del alma es Dios" (The centre of the soul is God"). St. Teresa reminds us that God shares with us all the tribulations of our life.

The discovery of the hidden immanent presence does not come through our own efforts.  It comes when we have exhausted all our own efforts. It may come over when we realise that nothing we have been trying works and that we need help.

"Let go and let God" requires change of signs in the triad. From acting as an initiating force we act as receptive force.  From closing our hands to opening our hands. From feeling proud of our achievements to feeling humbled by our shortcomings.

God's evolution in us* needs receptive cooperation. It needs letting God do in us and through us. It requires letting go our own autonomous efforts to accomplish our aims and allowing God accomplish his own aims in us.

This interdependence of God and Man makes us co-creators or as my old hermit friend puts it:

"God Is but cannot Do. Man can Do but Is not. So God Does in Man and Man Is in God.

An "interabading" realisation which requires the dimension of eternity to manifest.

* "God will bring people and events into our lives and whatever we may think about them they are designed for the evolution of HIS LIFE in us." Thomas Keating

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...