viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

LAW OF THRE (44) Time-Space-Consciousness



"Consciousness give us an added dimension to our mental experience, a dimension that is "in depth" rather than time and space. J.G. Bennett

Born without instructions manual,  we have no idea of who we are, where we come from, what purpose do we serve, or how to function properly.

Traditional wisdom schools indicate that to properly function we need to connect our mind with three independent sources of "information". The two primary sources of information come from the world of time and space. We learn that two solid bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time and so on. However as we grow up it helps to realise that the experience of presence, comes from a deeper dimension of space.

"Christianity must accept unreservedly the new dimensions (spatial, temporal and psychological)
of the world around us" Teilhard de Chardin.

Our presence, our being, is neither located in the dimension of time nor in the dimension of space. Presence can´t completely fit in the dual world of cause and effect, the world of bodies.

Spiritual work is sometimes describer as that of developing consciousness,  which manifests underlined by the perception of depth. Depth helps to bring us into the word of presence. We are here. Now!

The experience of our being here, now, is not a transcendental or third world experience; but the experience of "the third dimension of the one and the same world, opening us up to a more real union with reality" Raimon Panikkar, * 

The experience of the third dimension of the world we are living is a wake call that which may lead us up to higher levels of receptivity

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

LAW OF THREE (43) Time-Space-Eternity (2)



" I am Absolute, I am timeless, infinite, and I am awareness, without being aware of awareness... Unless there is space and duration I cannot be conscious of myself." Nisargadatta Maharaj

Humanity suffers from a severe case of mistaken identity. The mistaken identity is referred to by different spiritual teachers as the False Self, the Finite Self, the Ego-memory, the Personality, etc. All those concepts relate to an entity which identity and story is derived from the transient world of time and space. 

This temporal identity does not obscure completely the inner dimension of that Self beyond time and space. The spiritual way could be described as the path which leads from a transient identity to a transcendental.     

The transient identity of the ego is relativised  with the awareness of the third dimension of the manifest world.  About this third dimension Raimon Panikkar:

"The spiritual experience that we may call "mystical" does not put us in touch with a third world, but let us experience the third dimension of the one and the same world, opening us up to a more real union with reality" Raimon Panikkar, The Rhythm of Being, The Unbroken Trinity.

Ordinarily we identify ourselves with the transient and the finite. We derive our identity from the changing or the world of time and space, unaware of the underlying presence of the third dimension of the one and the same world would open us up to a more real perception of reality.

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...