"That there are many terminologies is essential. We argue that there is no one interpretation of the triad to be set against all others. Such was the course of religions; and the comparison is apt, because we are striving to "hear the Word". The triad speaks the language of the engineer, the artist and the religious equally: it is THE language of languages, the logos. It is holy fire: the essence of information."
Anthony Blake. The Triad.
The first two sides of a triad involve contradiction: positive-negative, action-reaction, I must-I can't. Two forces opposing each other. Opposing forces arise out of need. They arise because of the presence and action of a third and invisible force which seeks expression.
Out of the two opposing forces of birth and death arises life. Out of friends and enemies arises love. Life and Love are expressions of the presence and action in our lives of a 3rd relating or reconciling force.
The presence and action of a third invisible force is implicit in St.Paul's experience of his inner contradictions: "What I want to do I do not no do and what I hate I do"
Thomas Keating's answer to St. Paul could be: "God will bring people and events into our lives and whatever we may think about them they are designed for the evolution of His life in us."
We do no expect that "unwelcoming" events are for God's development in us. We believe they are designed for helping or hindering our personal development. One's development cannot be separated from God's development, nor can the cosmos be separated from God and Man. The idea of a crucified God as a reconciling force which wants to experience himself in the human form is a challenges to human reason.