miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

LAW OF THREE (38) Embracing Paradox



"That there are many terminologies is essential. We argue that there is no one interpretation of the triad to be set against all others. Such was the course of religions; and the comparison is apt, because we are striving to "hear the Word". The triad speaks the language of the engineer, the artist and the religious equally: it is THE language of languages, the logos.  It is holy fire: the essence of information." 

Anthony Blake.  The Triad.


The first two sides of a triad involve contradiction: positive-negative, action-reaction, I must-I can't. Two forces opposing each other. Opposing forces arise out of need. They arise because of the presence and action of a third and invisible force which seeks expression. 

Out of the two opposing forces of birth and death arises life. Out of friends and enemies arises love. Life and Love are expressions of the presence and action in our lives of a 3rd relating or reconciling force. 

The presence and action of a third invisible force is implicit in St.Paul's experience of his inner contradictions: "What I want to do I do not no do and what I hate I do"

Thomas Keating's answer to St. Paul could be: "God will bring people and events into our lives and whatever we may think about them they are designed for the evolution of His life in us."

We do no expect that "unwelcoming" events are for God's development in us.  We believe they are designed for helping or hindering our personal development.  One's development cannot be separated from God's development,  nor can the cosmos be separated from God and Man. The idea of a crucified God as a reconciling force which wants to experience himself in the human form is a challenges to human reason. 

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2018

LAW OF THREE (37) Evolution or Involution?


"We must remember the action of the three forces in different order. If the active force begins. the passive force unavoidably reacts, and the result of the struggle is a meaningless average. This happens in ordinary life. This process has nothing to do with the mysterious order of forces that bring regeneration, which begins with the third with understanding, with tolerance, with invisible help. When we know the taste of this other order of forces which begins not by imposition but by acceptance, we will find that by it everything becomes easy. And that the positiveness that we are trying to demand by force is already there." Rodney Collin

The outcome of any action will be different according to which of the three forces initiates the action(active, passive and reconciling). As individuals we may respond to a situation in three ways: reacting, resisting or reconciling.   The evolution of consciousness depends on the reconciling force becoming the active or initiating force in a triad.

Three classic triads describe the evolution of consciousness:

Essence (+) World (-) Mother (=)
Essence is given at birth. It is our undeveloped core of goodness prior to entering the world of duality or the world of the Ego.

When we are born our Essence is active. The needs of the infant act as an active force that draws energy from his/her mother who acts as a reconciling force in the face of the appearing world. 

The mother supplies the needs of the infant until the child has developed a controlling or active mechanism essential for survival in the world - in Freudian terms, the Ego.

Ego (+) Essence (-) Life (=)
After three we begin to form an Ego, which when formed will become an active force in relation to the Essence which will remain passive. In this triad the events of life will act as a reconciling force.

At birth the receptive mode of the child is dominant, but gradually it will be replaced by the active mode of the Ego in order to successfully deal with the challenges of a physical existence.

Essence (+)Ego (-) Wisdom (=)
Evolution depends on successfully developing Essence.

Essence develops with letting go of our attachments to the Ego.

Consenting to letting go of the resisting power of the Ego opens a "gap"or field of consciousness receptive to the power and action of Wisdom.

Awakening to our inner core of goodness is guided by the accompanying presence of Wisdom.

Except, ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
Mat: 18:3

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

LAW OF THREE (36) Receptivity to Higher Meaning



"Wisdom can only be given in a state of presence, with the three centres of our being in a state of presence. Anything less is asleep. Presence is the narrow gate thorough which one passes to wisdom. Samadhi or enlightenment, romanticised in the west, really means "a settled mind", or one rigorously present, balanced, and awake, in whatever emotional circumstances" Cynthia Bourgeault.

In a "settled mind" head, heart and body are in a state of harmony and alertness. .  In our ordinary state our mind is insufficiently balanced and awake to put us in a state of hight receptivity. 

"As one level of being increases , receptivity to higher meaning increases and vice-versa" M Nicholls

 In most Wisdom teachings the human being is studied a three brained being, consisting of the intelligence of the intellect, the intelligence of the emotion, and the intelligence of the body. The three modes of intelligence need to evolve into unitive seeing and operate as a single eye to become sensitive to higher meaning.

When the three "brains" do not come to an agreement we experience in the screen of our minds"a pattern of unresolved issues" circulating without end.

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...