jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018

LAW OF THREE (17) Our Life Has to Be Constantly Renewed.

LAW OF THREE (17)  Our Life Has to Be Constantly Renewed.

Everyone who begins to study and know their own states is well aware that our experience is a constant dying and rebirth. We must not be frightened as we come to see this, although it is really a terrifying thing that we have no power to keep hold of our life: that it has to be renewed or given back to us by something that does not come from ourselves.

But even when we see the helplessness with which we fall into oblivion, at that moment when we are most trying to hold on to ourselves, we must learn to trust that there is something that calls us back. And if it calls us back from sleep at night, it will call us back from that other sleep into which we shall enter, the sleep f death. J.G.Bennett


We are called back to life not only in our waking up every morning,  but also during the day in our every breath and heart beat.   And upon our continue arising, according Thomas Keating, we become necessary players in the play of live or in the spiritual play: "just by the very nature of our birth (or our new arising), we are on the spiritual journey." and in this spiritual journey "God will bring people and events into our lives, and whatever we may think about them, they are designed for the evolution of His life in us."  The idea of God's evolution is striking.

The above paragraph evokes the idea God's action in our-his life.  We know that the source of the action we are referring in this reflection,  that enters and sustains every moment of our life is unperceived.  We know that the 3rd force in the Law of Three is invisible to the ordinary eye but leaves its mark in the world of time and space for us to be perceived.  Time accompanies us during all our lives, its action being printed in our bodies.   Yet we have never seen time itself.  

It helps to reflect on the triad of time-space-eternity.  The three forces signal distinct sources of action.  We are unaware of actions coming form the dimension of eternity.  Yet actions beyond our power and control are taking place every moment.   One such action that takes place everyday, which comes a source other that ourselves,  is waking up and falling asleep :   We can neither put ourselves to sleep nor wake ourselves up by ourselves.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

LAW OF THREE 16 The Need to Embrace Friction

LAW OF THREE(16)  The Need to Embrace Friction

"The whole body of the world's religions are expressions of the Trinity and thus a unity between Christ and creation. The silence of the Father is expressed in Buddhism; the Logos is found in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity; and the various movements of the Spirit are present in multiple forms in Hinduism. Without the Trinity there is no Christ, and without Christ there is no Trinity."

Raimon Panikkar


Non duality does not mean to get rid of duality (the negative) but to embrace duality (the negative) in order to wake up to the non dual nature of reality.

It is necessary to embrace friction for the third force to manifest. Without friction we live in the comfortable illusion of my peace and my rightness.

There is more glory for the looser than for the winner if the looser does not give up. The winner provides the friction for the looser to continue accepting pain (making efforts) while the winner will eventually have to loose.

The world is kept going by friction: i,  mechanical or automatic, and  ii. or conscious and intentional.  Conscious and intentional friction is what is presented in wisdom schools.  In Fourth Way schools developing consciousness follows the disciplines of conscious labour and intentional suffering.

From a dual perspective suffering is to be eliminated.  From a non dual perspective
suffering is to be accepted, even welcome. (resist no evil)


"The rationalist part of the Enlightenment thought that to liberate man from the yoke of religion it was necessary to remove the experience of hazard, uncertainty and risk. Socialism has been the most radical in this attempt, but different forms of statism move in the same direction. Nevertheless, man is a being structurally confronted with hazard and risk and when the State tries to take upon its shoulder all the weight of insecurity, under such weight it wobbles and brakes.."

Rocco Buttiglione.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

LAW OF THREE (15) Without imperfection, you or I would not exist


"Without imperfection, you or I would not exist"

Stephen Hawking

"Look for one and you will find two. Look for three and you will find one"

Law of Three saying.

Within the existing universe, in which all our experience is confined, it is not possible to conceive the existence of any manifestation that is not based on the relationship between three independent forces.

We cannot experience an active force that is not dependent upon a negative force.  Nor can we have experience of a negative force that is not dependent upon a positive one.  Nor can we feel the presence of a reconciling force that is not dependent upon two opposing forces.

Although we may think that we can visualise each of the three independent forces separated of each other, objective reason may show us that the observance of one of the perceived force implies the presence of the other two.

If we take the resisting impulse (-) we will notice that it is its presence what makes the presence and action the affirming impulse (+) possible.  Like in the interplay of the accelerator and the brakes in a car.

The resisting impulse (-) is the necessary support without which the affirming impulse (+) would be lost in in space.  Like an endless acceleration to nowhere.

It is the reconciling force (=) that makes the active (+) and the passive forces (-) mutually significant. It is It is the reconciling force the 3rd force that gives significance and direction to the two contrary forces.  Like the steering wheel in the car.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018

LAW OF THREE (14) The Significance of the Negative Force

LAW OF THREE (14)   The Significance of the Negative


"We often represent God to ourselves as being able to draw from non-being a world without sorrows, faults, dangers - a world in which there is no damage, no breakage.
This a conceptual fantasy and it makes it impossible to solve the problem of evil."

Teilhard de Chardin

" For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles" Cor.1 Ch1-22-23

Is the welcoming of the negative a stumbling blog for both Christians, Greeks and Jews?  Why the commandment:  Love your enemies, bless those that curse you..." Matthew 5.44

The transformation of the negative is a major sign of intelligence:

"Ordinary criteria of positive and negative do not apply.. The stress and noise of city life becomes transformed into an energy of meditation. Pain becomes a way of understanding the body. Moral suffering becomes a way of freedom from the personality. Mistakes become a way to truth. Lies become a way to sensitive perception. Death becomes a way to life. Anger becomes a way to compassion. The inversion of the negative is a major sign of intelligence" Anthony Blake

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

LAW OF THREE (13) Man-God-Cosmos.



"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe" 

Carl Sagan,  cosmologist and astronomer.

 The Law of Three states that three conditions are necessary for the arising of each and every phenomenon in creation, including an apple pie. 

Unawareness of the three fold nature of reality has made our bodies scapegoats for all our "sins" and an obstacle to the awareness of spiritual presence and action in our lives.  

Nature and God are essential elements in the three fold nature of meaning.  Ignorance of the presence and action of the neutralising or reconciling forces of God or Nature has relegated human perception to the world duality or exclusion.   Often in religion a strong emphasis has been placed in the relation of God and Man and little in the relation of both God and Man to the creation.  In christian doctrine there is great difficulty in fitting in the third person of the trinity,

Unity is the awareness of the simultaneous action three presences: God-Cosmos-Man. The three meet in the common ground of the present moment.  If one of the three presences is not recognised we live in the confines of duality.

In the material world or in the world of politics and economics,  the interplay of three forces is clearly understood and applied.  How could otherwise manifest the accumulation of fortunes in a few hands without the intelligent management of the interplay of the different energies involved in the man made world?

If one can manage one´s energies one can manage everything else. If one cannot then everything is hard and has to be forced. A man or women that does not know that the engine can take a car from one place to another, pushes it, and this is how most of us do things: we push our machine about like a person pushing a motorcar, and then it can easily happen that the steering wheel is out of reach.

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

LAW OF THREE (12) Three Kinds of Work



The Law of Three: "People who grasp this law intellectually are very rarely nearer to it than those who feel completely lost. It is one thing to be able to deal with these matters in words and quite another to live them: At the very start we all suffer from a tremendous drawback: the working of our centres (head-heart-body) are dominated by polarity so that everything we look at, everything we feel and think and sense, is experienced in terms of two forces and not three." J.G. Bennett

Wisdom Schools teach thad self-development depends on three kinds of work.

1, Work for oneself
2. Work with and for others 
3. Work for the work itself .

Theilhard de Chardin refers to three lines of Work from a Christian perspective:

To be fully oneself and live, Man must first centre on oneself, second de-center upon his fellow men and third sur-centre* upon one greater than himself. The prefix "sur" signifies above, beyond.

As he puts it:

1. To be - or to centre oneself.
2 . To love - or to de-centre oneself
3. To adore - or to sur-center oneself

The three conditions would point the way to  "be fully oneself and alive". 

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...