miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

LAW OF THREE (4) Three modes of attention



The law of 3 is a practical tool to discern habitual patterns of behaviour:

This morning while I was driving,  I heard a suspicious noise in the car.  I thought that one of the windows was not completely closed,  but it was. Was it the exhaust pipe? Suddenly I thought the noise might be coming from the radio.  The radio was on. I switched it off and the noise stopped. This is a simple example of the working of the law of three. The noise was the negative force. The desire to find the cause the active force. The entering information "it's the radio" the reconciling force. New knowledge is often the reconciling force . However the switching off of the radio is an act of will.  We may call the decision  the 4th force,  which can only operate when understanding of the situation manifests.


Decision is an act of the will. The decisions we can take depends on how conscious (or awake )we are and the mode of our attention

The modes of attention determine whether our actions or roles in a triad are active, passive or reconciling.

We can distinguish three states of our attention:

Attention lost: As when we watch TV, an advert, or we are absorbed in the movement of the forms observed, etc. In other words, our attention is involuntary in the sense that it is lost and controlled by the object of our attraction or the cause of our repulsion. .

Attention directed: Intentional attention. Like in mantric meditation. Focused attention on a job, an object, etc. Attention directed or under our directional control.

Open attention: Fully receptive attention. Open to receive. Attention detached and free from clinging. Awake. Active receptivity. (Mark 14:37 ...you could not stay awake for one hour..)

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

LAW OF THREE (3)The different arrangements of the three forces determine the direction of the triad outcome (evolution or involution)



Each of the three independent forces in the Law of Three can play the part of an active, passive or neutralising role without losing its identity.

The passive or resisting force can initiate an action by attraction.   A pair of shoes in a shop window may initiate an action.  

Trump might have played the role of a reconciling force in the last elections,  bringing a momentary pose prior to the initiation of a new triadic configuration into a direction as yet unknown.  Nature does not stand still;  one season follows another.

A classic example of the action of the three forces is the family unit. Father (+) Mother (-) Child (=). In this three-fold relationship,  the masculine may initiate action in an active way; the feminine may initiate an action in a passive or attracting way;   and the child as yet unborn (the idea)) may initiate an action by drawing the future parents together

The three forces are permanently active.  The floor is active (it sustains us); one's own weight is active (it keeps us in the floor).  The body and the floor are two opposite forces cancelling each other.  The idea, thought, or wish is the force that activates movement without altering the equilibrium between floor and body.

LAW OF THREE (2) The Three Forces are equally active at their meeting point.



1 Everything that exists is the result of the action of 3 forces converging at the same time and in the same place.

2  At the meeting point the three forces adopt the "roles" of active, passive, and reconciling respectively.

3 The three forces may be referred to as energies, impulses, wills, powers etc.

4 The negative or resisting force may suggest unattractive connotations, but without the resistance of the floor we would not be able to walk.   The resisting force, also referred to as the receptive force (2nd force),  can equally play, without losing its nature, the role of the active (1st force) or the neutralising force (3rd force).   The configuration of the three independent forces in the triad will determine the nature and direction of the ensuing triad.

5  The neutralising or reconciling force needs not to be seen as the 'holy one'.  President Trump could be considered a third o reconciling force between two opposing forces in american politics. ( See Ken Wilber in Trump and a Post-Truth World)

6 We may also describe the three forces as static-dynamic-equilibrium. From this perspective, 
Space is the "static condition", Time the "dynamic condition", and Equilibrium "as neutralising or reconciling" condition".

7 The Holy Trinity could be described as three forces (persons) residing in One Un-manifest God,  each endowed with an absolute and independent will, bringing into existence(by mutual consent) the phenomenal or manifest universe.

LAW OF THREE(1) Non-duality or the experience of the 3rd dimenson


God's sacrifice is Self-limitation by manifestation. The conditions of this limitation are three: The Universe is created in Space, in Time and in Equilibrium.          Boris Mouravieff.



According to the law of three, every phenomenon and every event in creation is the work of three independent cosmic forces.

When we see the operation of three independent and absolute forces in every event and phenomenon, then we see the world as it really is.

In order to produce any phenomenon or event the three forces acquire the structure of an active force, a resisting force", and a reconciling or neutralising force. 

Considered by itself, every force in the universe is positive or active.

Only at the point of meeting do the three forces become structured in a triadic relationship.

We can see very easily the positive or active force in any event or phenomenon.

Sometimes we are aware of the negative or resisting force as well.

But rarely we become aware of the presence and action of the third neutralising  or reconciling force. 


1 Ordinary perception is dual: good-evil, true-false, pleasure-pain, like-dislike, should and shouldn't.

2 We depend on the resisting or negative force (the second force) in order to generate energy; we need the resistance of the floor to be able to walk.

2  Reality is non-dual  Non duality is unsettling for the  'ego-identity'. 

3 Non-dual experience is not a mystical experience says Raimon Panikkar:

"The spiritual experience that we may call "mystical" does not put us in touch with a third world, but let us experience the third dimension of the one and the same world, opening us up to a more real union with realty"

Raimon Panikkar, The Rhythm of Being, The Unbroken Trinity.

THE LAW OF THREE (81) War and The Third Force

 THE LAW OF THREE (81) WAR AND THE THIRD FORCE "War creates no absolute new situation. It simply aggravates the permanent human situati...